10) COMPLEMENTS - The most important sign of a good woman is complements. No, not compliments with an “i” as in you look good or have the biggest Johnson in town, but complements with an “e.” Someone that just makes you a better man. She complements your flaws and completes you. I'm talking about that X factor where the chemistry is just there and when she's around you feel that you can do anything. She's your lover, your confidante, and ultimately your friend.
9) SUPPORTIVE - When times are hard even the strongest man needs someone to lean on. So a woman that can step up when you least expect it is a definite plus, because you need that female (well, people in general) in your life that are willing to help out without you even asking. One of boys threw a house party one time and had mad people over. As the night was winding down, I noticed there were a handful of sisters that stepped up and started cleaning the kitchen and putting food away for him. He wasn't dating any of them, they were just people that came to the party like me, but recognized that my homeboy would be up all night cleaning the mess up by himself and just did what needed to be done. Each one of those sisters showed the level of their character and displayed distinct signs of being good women.
7) SHARES HER FOOD - If you haven't noticed by now, unselfishness is a common theme here. So any woman that exhibits signs of being giving, from her time to her grub, has the potential of being a good woman in my book. In regards to food, I've seen that happen in the reverse where one person refused to share a small portion of their meal with their date, and in my mind that registered as, "she/he is really selfish and doesn't truly care as deeply about the other person as they should." I think there was a scene inThe Brothers where one of the female characters judged how much a man was into them by seeing if he was willing to part with the last bite of his meal. Sharing is caring.
6) COOKS/CATERS - There's just something about a woman that can cook. Not saying she has to be Martha Stewart of the kitchen, but to the old adage of the way to a man’s heart being through his stomach often rings true (well, for the most part). While not a 100% tried and true rule, for the most part, a woman that can cook can keep her man happy at home. But the real bonus of this sign is the woman that is willing to cook for you when you’re sick. One time I was bedridden for a week, and while my mom and friends dropped off food and made store runs for me, this one sister came through and cooked a full meal for me from scratch. Definitely a good look that was greatly appreciated, and showed the heart of a person that would be there for you no matter what.
5) THOUGHTFULNESS/REALLY LISTENING - This one is a no-brainer. I always hear of girls (and guys) trying to go all out with a gift or over the top outing, but much like the other things in this post, there are plenty of small gestures that go a long way. A woman that actually listens to her partner (guys, this goes for you too) means a lot. But I’m not just talking about listening to what someone says and commenting, but taking note of key things in the conversation and making them a reality. For instance, there was a time I was conversing with this sister I was seeing about wanting to build my wine connoisseurship so she went out and bought me a wine tasting book. Not only was that a thoughtful and inexpensive gift (in a good way), it showed that she really listened to things I cared about and was proactive.
4) A WARM WASH CLOTH AFTER...YOU KNOW - Nothing makes a man feel better than a woman, especially one with a warm washcloth. Come on, we've all been there after a nice hot and sweaty sex session and you find yourself just glued to the bed. Most sisters are just focused on the after-sex cuddle or the next round, but there are those few special ones that get up to go to the bathroom and return with a nice warm washcloth to wipe you down. Key word here is warm, NOT cold. It’s a subtle and sweet gesture of a woman catering to her man (or lover) that goes a long way.
3) MAKING THE BED - Personally, I hate making my bed. I live alone and am just gonna mess it up when I get back home, so I don't really see the point. The only time I really do is if I’m trying to impress a potential new visitor or I just changed the sheets. So nothing surprises me more than to come out of the shower (or kitchen) and return to find my bed made. Half the time, the sister done fixed up my bed so damn good that I don't even wanna get back in it for fear of messing up her fine handy work. Maybe my mama didn’t teach me the right techniques, but I’ve seen some females put some smooth creases in them sheets—plus, they seem to get a kick out of fluffing pillows.
2) WASHING DISHES - No, I’m not talking about the caveman mentality of me-man-and-women-must-do-housework kinda dishwashing. I'm speaking of scenarios where I just made dinner (or breakfast, if I'm lucky) and a woman takes it upon herself to get up and wash the dishes of her own free accord. Again, even a simple offer to do so can earn her brownie points, too. I know that I often do the same thing when I’m at a lady friend’s house for dinner. In fact, there was a time I did that for a chick I was really feeling and we didn’t even eat. I just happened to notice she had dishes in the sink and washed them just because.
,,,, and the #1 sign she just may be a good woman is:
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